We are a cloth diaper using family. Well, at least during the daytime and non-vacation hours. At night we bring on the disposable diapers because I’ve found it to be so much easier. With using cloth diapers, we also started using cloth wipes. I absolutely love cloth wipes. They are so much nicer than disposable wipes, they aren’t as wet or cold, so I think it makes for a lot more comfortable diaper change. We still use disposable wipes when we are out and about and using disposable diapers.
When we were buying our cloth diapers and wipes I assumed that we would have to replace the wipes after a few months and they wouldn’t hold up well. We have been cloth diapering and wiping for 11 months now and the wipes look almost like new. Well, they look like they did after the first wash. They are bamboo and are holding up so well! This is the brand and kind we got.
I read a lot about what kind of spray to use on the cloth wipes to get a little wet before changing a diaper. I read a lot about pre-made solutions you buy, using only water, and ones you make yourself. Some were complex, some were expensive, and some had a lot of steps. I figured out if I bought a spray I would be spending a lot of money over the course of diaper wearing. I didn’t love the idea of just using water. I know it works for so many families, but I thought it sounded like more work and probably a wet mess. Understand this is just for me because using only water is by far the cheapest and for some people the easiest. I mixed all of the recipes and thoughts I looked at in my mind together and came up with this recipe. It’s simple, easy, and effective.
In this recipe I give lavender essential oil as an option. As much as I love essential oils and believe in their safety, I found with having a baby that it is not always necessary to use essential oils with them. I didn’t use any oils with Ottava until she was 12 weeks old and then I started very small and diluted, mostly in her wipe spray. It’s not that oils are bad, please hear me out on that. It is only that little bottoms don’t always need something on them. Anything added can be a little too harsh for a little baby. As Ottava gets older, we use oils more often on her (always very diluted). And on the topic of essential oils, we have been diffusing oils around Ottava since she has been born. We started very diluted and not diffusing them for a long period of time with her. Now that she is one years old we diffuse a little stronger blends and let it run a little longer.
1 teaspoon unscented Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap
1 teaspoon Sweet Almond Oil
1-3 drops Lavender essential oil (optional)
1-2 drops of Frankincense Essential Oil (optional)
- In an 8 ounce spray bottle add in the Castile Soap, Sweet Almond Oil, lavender essential oil and water
- Put the top back on the spray bottle
- Gently mix the wipe spray by tipping the bottle upside down a few times
- You are ready to use this on your cloth wipes
PS. I want to tell you what cloth diapers we use and love
Rumparooz Pocket Diapers (our FAVORITES by far)
Flip Diaper Covers with Daytime Inserts
Thirsties All-in-Ones: These sometimes leak around her legs. They are easy to use but the leaking is frustrating. We wouldn’t buy these again.
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